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Martin, MI, 49070
United States


Shotgun Patterning, Handgun and Rifle scoring and analysis using Turbo Targets are the first truly automatic software applications for capturing rifle / Handgun group data and shotgun pattern data on your iPhone, iPad, MAC or PC from camera images.



 A unique feature of our phone software is that it is a Native application meaning that it does not require cell or internet connection during use. This can be helpful at a target range.


Handgun Analyzer (Click Here) now in the Apple Store. 

Handgun Analyzer (Android, Click Here) on Google Play

Handgun Analyzer  is a phone and tablet app that is used in combination with the Red 5 bull and silhouette telemetric targets from National Target Companies Telemetric page. We also will continue to sell the small orange 16 by 18 inch Turbo Targets until we are out of stock.

IPhone users - The latest version now works with both dark and light modes.

Shotgun Profiler (iPhone/iPad, Click here) now in the Apple Store.

Shotgun Profiler (Android,Click here) on Google Play

Shotgun Profiler is a phone and tablet app that when used in combination with Large (pattern targets from NTC) or small Turbo Targets available on our website.

iPhone image